Friday, November 24, 2017

Poison by Galt Niederhoffer


"Poison is a literary psychological thriller about a marriage that follows minor betrayal into a bubbling stew of lies, cruelty, manipulation, and danger.

Cass and Ryan Connor have achieved family nirvana. With three kids between them, a cat and a yard, a home they built and feathered, they seem to have the Modern Family dream. Their family, including Cass' two children from previous relationships, has recently moved to Portland —a new start for their new lives. Cass and Ryan have stable, successful careers, and they are happy. But trouble begins almost imperceptibly. First with small omissions and white lies that happen daily in any marital bedroom. They seem insignificant, but they are quickly followed by a series of denials and feints that mushroom and then cyclone in menace.

With life-or-death stakes and irreversible consequences, Poison is a chilling and irresistible reminder that the closest bond designed to protect and provide for each other and for children can change in a minute."

My Review:

Y’ALL. What. Did. I. Just. Read.

I saw “psychological thriller” in the book description and could not have downloaded it any faster onto my Kindle. I’ve seriously loved thrillers since I was a kid reading R.L. Stine under my covers with a flashlight while my parents thought I was asleep for school the next day#


So anyway, the book description spoke to me. And I was sucked in. The storyline was so powerful that there were times I seriously doubted Cass’s sanity. And her husband’s. And really everyone’s. I wasn’t sure what was real and what wasn’t or, hell, if I was the one who was crazy. So yes, gripping storyline, well-rounded characters and page-turning events. Galt Niederhoffer, who are you and why have I never heard of you?

There were just two little things that started to annoy me. Sometimes…the…narrator…rambled…and…dragged…things…out. OMG just tell me what is going to happen!! Instead, the narrator would talk about so many details and events and things from the past that I started skipping sentences and paragraphs at a time just to get back to the actual story. Ugh. Annnnnd I think the story would’ve been a little better from Cass’s first-person point of view. That could’ve made the long, rambly (not a word, but shouldn’t it be?) sections more interesting if Cass was talking to us in her voice.

Overall, this book has some mind-blowing moments. Best one I've read this year? No. Do I wish the narrator would hurry the hell up and get to the point? Yes.

I know I truly loved a book when I tell everyone about it. My husband, my mom, my friends, my coworkers - everyone. And I didn't tell everyone about Poison because it wasn't the best thing I've ever read. But, it's a genre I really enjoy, it sucked me in and it provided some twists and shocking moments.

My Rating:

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